Edward Wang
It's a nice app and all, but unfortunately useless when it comes to being notified for deliveries. The app told me I had a package (signature required) scheduled to be delivered today from 2pm-6pm. Checking multiple times before 2pm, I see that the delivery time remains unchanged. All of a sudden, when I come back home, around 12pm, I get notified saying I wasn't there to get my delivery... so why didn't the app at LEAST tell me that it was coming soon?
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Trish Maxwell
Works 1 out of 100 tries. Almost every time I attempt to login to see anything concerning a package it times out and gets stuck in a forever blank dark brown screen. I have no clue what happened. When I first down loaded the app I didn't have the blank screen issue but after a month of using it I was asked for my login credentials again and then the nightmare of not being able to use the app as proficiently as before started. I would it if this problem was looked into please.
29 people found this review helpful

Johnicia Williams
I only signed up for my choice to pre-sign (shipment release) a package. Couldn't find the option to do that on mobile or on desktop, so I tried the app to see if there was something I was missing, just for it not to be there either. On top of that, it doesn't register that I do, in fact, have a package in transit, so I'm only able to moniter it through the "tracking" portion, which I could've already done without an account or the app. Waste of time..
70 people found this review helpful